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Sep 29th

Why “Elevate” is a Game Changer: A Chat in the Office

Natasha Brown

September 24, 2024

Okay, I just had the BEST dance party. Yes, I’m at work, writing this blog, so yes, this was a solo dance party. However, I needed to celebrate, and dancing tends to be my go-to form of celebration. 

What am I celebrating? I’m so glad you asked!

Tonya and I just finished our final group coaching call with our latest Elevate cohort, and man, do I love this program! I feel as though I could burst with love, joy, gratitude, and awe after watching our amazing participants grow and change over the past 6 weeks. I also feel some sadness that it’s over. This easily morphs into excitement about the fact that we get to do this all over again because Elevate starts up again on September 29th! This is just a few short days away! 

If you were in my office right now, I would imagine you could feel the emotion radiating off of me. This could prompt a discussion that looks something like this:

Natasha, you seem so happy! Why was Elevate so amazing?

I would then dive into a very excited, animated explanation of how we’ve been running Elevate for a bit now, and man, the results people are getting are just … wow. Like, mind-blowing in the best way. I would talk about how incredible it is to see how every single one of our participants began Elevate feeling stuck in some form or fashion, and by the end, they feel empowered and hopeful in ways they didn’t anticipate. I would share how my favorite part of it all was seeing the participants share and then learn from each other. How, even though the specifics of each participant’s experiences were different, the fears, themes, beliefs, and emotions were so similar. I would talk about the joy of the “aha!” moment when something finally clicks for someone, and I would share how the tools we shared with our participants made such an impact on their ability to dig in and show up for themselves in amazing ways. 

We would probably laugh at my passion and my hand movements that always accompany such excitement, and then you’d probably ask me some more questions. So, as a refresher, here are the details. 

Elevate is a 6 week group coaching program that includes:

  • A 30-minute, one-on-one goal-setting session with either Natasha or Tonya, our seasoned coaches.
  • Daily emails created to inspire and invite you into more wholeness, happiness, and freedom.
  • Weekly 90-minute, group Rapid Eye Technology sessions designed to support your brain in reprocessing and rewriting unhelpful patterns.
  • Weekly 90-minute group coaching sessions where participants get to dig into REAL LIFE application of what they’ve been learning.
  • Group connection and support. This is THE GOLDEN TICKET … You don’t have to do this alone! I can’t tell you how powerful it is to have a community of like-minded people cheering you on, holding you accountable, and sharing their own breakthroughs along the way. It’s kind of like having a built-in support squad, and it’s amazing what happens when you get that kind of energy in one room (even if it’s a virtual one).

Then you would ask me, “So, who is this for?”

You know how sometimes you feel stuck in this weird rut? Like you’ve got goals, but it feels like you’re spinning your wheels? Maybe it feels like there are so many facets to the struggles before you, and you’re just not sure where to begin. Yeah, Tonya and I saw so many people who we love struggling in this exact same way. Therefore, we designed Elevate to lift, inspire, and give direction to people, like you and me, who have big dreams and desire more for our lives. Quite honestly, if you’re sitting in my office, and we’re having this chat, it means you are my people, and we want more—more healing, more joy, more freedom.

So, take a moment and reflect: are you ready to step into my office and have this chat? Are you ready to truly show up for you and create a life you love to live? If the answer is yes, buckle your seat belt, register here, and prepare for an amazing ride with incredible views. We can’t wait to see you!

With love and a happy dance,
Tonya & Natasha

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