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Sep 29th

Navigating Our Stories: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Hey there, Welcome back to our blog. Today, I want to dive deep into a topic that’s close to my heart and, I believe, deeply resonant for many of us: the stories we tell ourselves. How often do we pause to consider the narratives that guide our lives? Those subtle yet powerful tales that shape […]

Wholeness Within: Embracing Balanced Self-Care

woman holding hands up reflecting wholeness

Explore the true meaning of self-care in ‘Wholeness Within.’ Learn about the importance of a balanced approach that embraces physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional dimensions, and discover how integrating these aspects can lead to a more fulfilled and harmonious life.

Finding True Freedom

Finding True Freedom

The fight for freedom is a fight all humans have been engaged in from the time of infancy. I remember when my oldest child was 18 months old and she was given an adorable pair of boots. She desperately wanted to wear them, but she wanted the freedom to put them on by herself. It […]

The Happiness Mindset

The Happiness Mindset

“I’ll be happy!” my 2 year old little sister sobbed as she came out of her room. She had been throwing a tantrum and had been taken to her room and told she could come out when she was ready to be happy. We laugh at the irony now, and yet I relate to that […]

tonya and natasha

Who would you like to book with?

Select your guide: Tonya, an expert in emotional healing, or Natasha, a specialist in relationships. Begin your journey to a more fulfilling life.