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Sep 29th

Learning from Little Ones: How Radical Accountability Leads to Freedom

As I walked through the door after work, my two-year-old proudly announced, “I played with sister’s lipstick!” “Uh-oh, was that a good choice or a bad choice?” I asked. “It was a bad choice! It makes my heart sad.” In that moment, I was reminded of the Savior’s counsel to be as little children (Mosiah […]

Stormy Alphabet Soup, Anyone?

One of the hardest things about difficult times is the potential feedback loop that our brains get into. It can be easy to get caught in what I call the “crap cycle”. We feel crappy and look for reasons why, log those “why’s” away as beliefs that our brain then looks to confirm for us, […]

What Does the Fibonacci Number Have to do With My Feeling Stuck?

Today, I want to talk about patterns. Patterns are everywhere; they are a natural part of our earthly experience. In our homeschool, I often relate math to the real world, which usually involves a yearly discussion of the Fibonacci sequence followed by a scavenger hunt to find it in nature. For those not familiar, the […]

Approval Power: Setting Our Summer Expectations Up for Success

Conflict. It’s an inevitable part of life, manifesting both internally and in our interactions with others. For many, inner conflict tends to intensify during the summer months when our high expectations for magical memories collide with the reality of life. Picture this: I recently packed lunch for a park outing with my children, envisioning a […]

Meet the in-laws: tips for a harmonious summer

Summer usually means more family time, which can also mean navigating the infamous in-law dynamic. In my 10+ years counseling couples and individuals, conflict with in-laws is a common theme. While the stereotype of in-law struggles may provoke some eye-rolling, it makes sense why these tensions arise. However, there are tips, tricks, and principles that […]

Summer Magic

Magic. It is the best word to describe this summer night. The air is cool, the sky dances with color as the sun sets, and the laughter and joy of my children playing is infectious. This is summer. My heart soars, and I try to soak in every detail, every laugh, all the joy that […]

Living Your Best Life: A Guide

In our quest for a fulfilling and meaningful life, certain principles can guide us toward living our best life. By aligning ourselves with our values, having a clear vision, and being kind to our future selves, we can create a life that not only meets our present needs but also paves the way for future […]

Loving What Is: A Journey from Resentment to Joy

My life felt unmanageable. There was so much on my plate and, frankly, I felt alone and unappreciated. I felt like I was drowning in to-do’s and resentment. This was the gist of the phone call I was having with my mom when she asked me a couple of questions that changed everything.  She had […]

Integrating New Stories: Embracing Change and Growth

In our journey of self-discovery, we’ve explored the power of the stories we tell ourselves and the importance of honoring them while intentionally choosing new narratives. Now, let’s delve into the process of integrating these new stories into our lives so they become more natural and ingrained. In our previous post, we discussed how our […]

Changing Your Story: The Path to Transformation

In our ongoing series about the stories we tell ourselves, we’ve delved into the origins of our narratives and how they often stem from a place of self-protection. But what happens when we realize that these stories no longer serve us? How do we go about changing them? If we take a closer look at […]

tonya and natasha

Who would you like to book with?

Select your guide: Tonya, an expert in emotional healing, or Natasha, a specialist in relationships. Begin your journey to a more fulfilling life.