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Feeling Stuck? Unlock the Secrets to Break Free!

Tonya Cox

August 5, 2024

side view of father face watching his newborn baby in white top laying on the bed

Have you ever felt like you’re trapped in the same patterns and struggles, unable to break free? This is a common experience, often rooted in our earliest moments. Most people easily identify how childhood experiences created patterns; the reality is that these patterns often begin at birth. Understanding this kickstarts healing and helps us achieve wholeness.

The Birth Story: Our Journey Begins

Our life patterns start long before we’re born. The birth process shapes our earthly experiences, especially struggles. Anytime I hear someone say they feel stuck, I know we need to do some work around their birth. 

We existed long before we came to Earth. In the heavenly realm, we had relationships and experienced learning and growth. We know there was a council in heaven where Heavenly Father presented His plan. Jesus supported Heavenly Father’s plan and chose to become our Savior, while Lucifer proposed another way, leading to a war!

Have we considered that we actually experienced war in heaven? It’s possible we knew some who followed Satan and were cast out. Our spirits, though divine, came to Earth already knowing about struggle and loss. I believe we were taught in heaven what we would experience on Earth. 

Agency is an eternal gift. It didn’t start with our birth nor does it end with death, and we likely exercised that agency in choosing our earthly experiences. Some experiences, such as hunger, being hot or cold, or illness, are part of having a mortal body. One universal experience is our birth. 

Unveiling Hidden Patterns

While the birth process is fundamentally the same—an egg and sperm join, we are nurtured in a womb, and we are born—we each have a unique birth story. Was your mother especially sick or upset during pregnancy? Were you born early or late? By C-section? Was your birth traumatic for you or your mother? Were you separated from your mother or able to stay with her? Where was your father? These countless variables began to shape our world and experiences. How we perceive and interpret these experiences shapes our reality.

For example, I was born early, and my mother struggled to push me out, resulting in my birth with forceps. This experience set a pattern in my life where I often needed help at the last minute for various projects. Countless times, my mother, husband, children, or friends have come to my “rescue” as I panic, needing help to finish something. Now that I recognize this pattern, I can interrupt it when I see it creeping up. I reassure myself that I am okay and make new choices. Through subconscious work with Rapid Eye Technology (RET) and conscious pattern interruption, I have largely moved past this pattern in my life. If it does resurface, I understand that some part of me wants to re-experience it. I forgive myself, knowing there’s no need for self-criticism. We have the power to be agents of change in our lives, to pause, reflect, and create a life we love to live.

Just like the color of your hair and eyes are passed down from your parents through conception, so are family patterns and belief structures. As a Rapid Eye Technician (RET), I see how crucial it is to address these early moments for deep and lasting healing. The imagery of the birth story draws from collective studies on birth experiences, revealing core issues that often trace back to birth or even before. Your imagination connects you to your unconscious mind, unveiling personal truths. RET helps explore not just your issues but also those in your genetic line, facilitating emotional release. 

If you want to know more about RET and especially how it compares to the better known EMDR, check our FAQ here. (add link to home page or FAQ)

Start Your Healing Journey

Choosing the right support is a personal decision. Feeling stuck doesn’t have to be a permanent state. Whole Happy Free offers a unique approach by combining traditional therapy, life coaching, and Rapid Eye Technology (RET). By revisiting and healing our earliest experiences, we can break free from recurring patterns and struggles. As we embrace our divine agency and heal from the inside out, we can create a life we love to live.

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