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Choosing Joy!

Tonya Cox

December 23, 2024

Christmas was always magical for me as a child. My mother’s love for the season was infectious. That magic has stayed with me through the years, and I hope it has been passed down to my children and now to their families.

As an adult, I came to realize just how much effort goes into making the holidays special. The long list of “to-dos” was often daunting, but those busy days created cherished memories that I now look back on with gratitude. Today, I find myself in a different season of life. Things are a little simpler in many ways, and yet the magic of Christmas remains, just as vibrant as ever.

This Christmas season didn’t unfold as I had imagined. Instead, it brought me several opportunities to surrender to the reality of my life as it is right now. At times, there were tears as I allowed myself to honor the loss I felt. Yet, amidst those moments, I discovered a profound peace in choosing to surrender—and, in essence, to repent—turning back to Christ, and reconnecting with the true meaning and purpose of this sacred season. It was a conscious, deliberate choice. The most beautiful part? That peace blossomed into joy in ways I hadn’t anticipated. 

One of those moments came during a Christmas concert by For King and Country at the movie theater, a special outing arranged by dear friends who invited us to join them and their family. The experience was both fun and entertaining, filled with uplifting music and joy.

The final encore was a song aptly titled “Joy!” I couldn’t help but dance in my seat to the lively rhythm, but it was the message of the song that began to resonate deeply within me.

The following morning, during my devotional time, I came across a talk from years ago by President Russell M. Nelson, a modern-day prophet of God, that also centered on the theme of “Joy”. It was a moment of perfect alignment—enough to sink that joy into the depths of my heart. I felt the joy resonate through every part of me.

That morning, I made a conscious choice: to let that joy remain with me. I decided it would be the focus of my mind and heart, my worship, and my gift this Christmas season.

It is my heartfelt wish that each of you may receive the joy that is yours and mine, because unto us a Savior was born, who is Christ the Lord.

Natasha and I stand as witnesses of Christ’s presence and His work in our lives. Through His strengthening, delivering, enabling, and healing power, we have experienced His love in profound ways.

This Christmas season, may you feel that same joy—the joy of knowing Him, the joy that fills and transforms hearts.

“Joy to the world! The Lord is come! Let earth receive her King!”

Merry Christmas! Because of Him, we can live lives that are whole, happy, and free!

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