The Holding Place

I had waited many years for this conversation and this opportunity as I sat with my daughter this evening. She was awaiting the birth of her first child. How I loved this girl! She was flesh of my flesh and owned a piece of my heart she could never reclaim no matter who she was […]
Healing Stories: Cultivating Resilience and Wisdom for Future Generations

My grandmother had a love for gift-giving. I cherish memories of Christmas at her house, unwrapping presents that felt just right, and seeing the joy on her face. Her love for giving gifts deeply influenced me, but perhaps the most precious gift she gave was the gift of stories. She meticulously compiled and organized the […]
Healing the Inner Child: A Journey to Wholeness

In our ongoing exploration of personal narratives and their impact on our well-being, we’ve delved into the stories we tell ourselves and how they shape our experiences. We’ve discussed the importance of recognizing and honoring these narratives, whether they bring us joy or pain. Now, it’s time to take the next step on our journey […]
The Transformative Power of Storytelling: Honoring Our Past, Embracing Our Future

As a child, I loved the moments when my father read to me. We had these kid Encyclopedia readers full of stories and fables like The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats, or The Crow and the Pitcher. His storytelling was infused with vibrant dynamics and contagious enthusiasm, making each […]
Guided by Divine Design: Living with Intention and Shaping a Purposeful Life

Each morning, I awoke with a familiar sense of dread, as if it had become a constant companion in my daily routine. The life I found myself living was far from the life I had imagined for myself. The course of my life had veered off in unexpected directions, diverging from the path I had […]
Bridging Hearts: Nurturing Connection in Your Relationship Journey

Discover key strategies for deepening connections in ‘Bridging Hearts.’ Learn about Imago Dialogue and the importance of safety in relationships, and find out how these principles can enhance communication and emotional intimacy with your partner.
Make me Whole – Again

Each year Rob Garnders play Lamb of God has over 4,000 performances across the world including places like the Netherlands, Romania, and Buenos Aires. These performances are seen by over 50,000 people from varying faiths as they come seeking to hear and know the Lamb of God. One of the beautiful songs in this play […]