Act quickly – Only 10 Elevate spots are left. Reserve your spot

Next program:

Sep 29th

Welcome to Elevate: A transformative
6-week journey

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and authentic connection? Elevate is a unique 6-week group coaching program designed to help you build a deeper connection with yourself, cultivate self-awareness, and embrace your true, whole self.

Welcome to Elevate: A transformative
6-week journey

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and authentic connection? Elevate is a unique 6-week group coaching program designed to help you build a deeper connection with yourself, cultivate self-awareness, and embrace your true, whole self.

*Next program starting Sep 29th
Your path to personal transformation

A sneak peek into Elevate:

Weeks 1-2

Achieving greater wholeness

In the first phase of Elevate, participants focus on achieving greater wholeness or healing. These two weeks are dedicated to addressing any areas of imbalance or past wounds that may hinder personal growth and fulfillment. Through introspection, self-reflection, and therapeutic techniques, participants gain valuable insights and tools to navigate their inner landscape and begin the healing process, setting a strong foundation for their journey ahead.

Weeks 3-4

Cultivating happiness

During the second phase of Elevate, participants shift their focus towards cultivating happiness and integrating essential life skills for sustainable well-being. These two weeks are dedicated to exploring what brings joy and fulfillment, gaining a deeper understanding of personal values, passions, and purpose in life. Participants uncover the keys to living authentically and aligning their actions with their true desires.

Weeks 5-6

Freedom & empowerment

In the final phase of Elevate, participants integrate and apply what they’ve learned, empowering themselves to live a life they love to live. These weeks emphasize freedom and self-expression, encouraging individuals to break free from limiting beliefs and outside expectations. Through action-oriented practices, they design a vision for their future and take proactive steps towards manifesting their dreams, cultivating a sense of empowerment.

What’s included in Elevate

Elevate is a 6-week virtual program designed to support your personal growth journey in a small, intimate group setting. Led by experienced coaches Natasha Brown, LMFT, and Tonya Cox, MRET, from Whole Happy Free, this program offers a transformative experience tailored to help you achieve greater wholeness, happiness, and freedom in your life.

Structured curriculum

Elevate has three 2-week phases: 1) Healing, offering tools for balance and addressing past wounds. 2) Happiness, teaching principles for joy and fulfillment. 3) Freedom, applying learnings to craft a beloved life.

Daily assignments & supportive materials

Stay engaged and motivated throughout the program with daily emails featuring thought-provoking journal prompts, empowering homework assignments, and encouraging messages tailored to support your growth.

holistic care
One-on-one goals consultation

Prior to the start of the program, receive a one-on-one consultation with Tonya or Natasha to discuss your goals, challenges, and aspirations. This personalized session will set the foundation for your journey in Elevate.

Rapid Eye Technology (RET) sessions

Experience the powerful benefits of Rapid Eye Technology in a supportive group setting, facilitated by Tonya, our trained Rapid Eye Practitioner. Release limiting beliefs, overcome obstacles, and unlock your full potential.

Community connection

Experience the intimate and supportive environment of a small group setting. Combine Personalized attention with shared experiences to foster a profound sense of belonging and facilitate personal growth.

Live coaching with Elevate facilitators

Join weekly 90-min group coaching calls with Elevate facilitators, Natasha and Tonya, via Zoom. These sessions include interactive discussions, personalized guidance, and practical strategies for personal growth.


Elevate your life

A steal of a deal

Only $699 $4500

Next program starting Sep 29th

Elevate is an affordable investment in your well-being and personal growth. At just $699 Elevate is significantly less than what it would cost for 12 sessions with just one of our coaches.

*Flexible payment plans available. Subject to approval.

Elevate your life

A steal of a deal

Only $699 $4500

Elevate is an affordable investment in your well-being and personal growth. At just $699 Elevate is significantly less than what it would cost for 12 sessions with just one of our coaches.

*Flexible payment plans available. Subject to approval.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate for the Elevate program?

Elevate seeks to create a community of open-minded individuals who are willing to explore new perspectives, and are eager to engage in deep, introspective work. Elevate is a great fit for someone who is committed to personal growth, self-discovery, and embracing their authentic self. If you value and desire the support of a small, intimate group setting and are ready to invest time and effort into your own well-being and development, Elevate is for you!


On the other hand, Elevate may not be suitable for individuals who are not ready or willing to actively participate in the process of self-discovery and personal growth. This program may not be a good fit for those who are seeking quick fixes or are resistant to exploring their inner selves. Additionally, individuals who are averse to the experience of vulnerability within group settings or sharing their experiences in a supportive group may find this program challenging.


Ultimately, Elevate is for individuals who are ready to commit to the time, space, and support specifically designed for transformative success along their own journey of healing and growth.

We offer convenient payment plans through Klarna and Afterpay. These options allow you to split your payment into manageable installments, making it easier to invest in your personal growth and well-being. Approval for these payment plans is subject to their respective terms and conditions. Klarna does not pull a credit report but uses publicly available consumer debt information to assess eligibility.

Elevate is designed to offer an intimate and supportive environment, with only 10 spots available in each group. This small group setting allows for personalized attention, tailored guidance, and the transformative power of shared experiences.

Throughout the program, participants will explore a variety of topics related to self-discovery, personal growth, and authentic living. Some of the key themes include understanding limiting beliefs, cultivating self-awareness, fostering resilience, and embracing one’s true, whole self.

Rapid Eye Technology (RET) is a powerful technique that combines guided imagery, eye movement, and other therapeutic modalities to release negative emotions, traumas, and limiting beliefs. In Elevate, participants will experience RET sessions in a supportive group setting, facilitated by our trained RET practitioner, to help them overcome obstacles, release emotional baggage, and unlock their full potential.


Throughout the program, participants will attend one group Rapid Eye session per week, totaling six sessions over the six-week period.

Participants are asked to invest a total of 3 hours per week for group coaching, split into two 90 minute sessions.  Additionally, it is anticipated that about 30 minutes be set aside each day for reflective exercises and journaling. As for the financial investment, Elevate is priced at $699 for the entire 6-week program, making it an affordable commitment to your well-being and personal growth. This fee covers weekly group coaching sessions, Rapid Eye Technology sessions, daily supportive emails, and personalized guidance from our experienced coaches. Compared to the cost of individual coaching sessions, Elevate offers significant value and accessibility to those seeking transformative experiences within a supportive community setting. Additionally, if participants were to receive the same level of individual coaching from Natasha and Tonya, it could cost upwards of $3000, making Elevate a cost-effective option for personal growth and development.

Participation in the group coaching calls and Rapid Eye Technology (RET) sessions is conducted online through Zoom. Once enrolled in the Elevate program, participants will receive access links and instructions to join each session. It’s recommended to ensure a stable internet connection and a quiet, comfortable space for optimal engagement during these sessions.

We understand that life can sometimes interfere with scheduled commitments. If you miss a group coaching session or RET session, recordings will be made available for participants to access at their convenience. However, active participation in all sessions is encouraged to maximize the transformative experience and personal growth opportunities offered by the program.

Yes, Elevate is designed to be accessible and beneficial for individuals at various stages of their personal growth journey. Our program offers a supportive and non-judgmental environment where participants can explore self-discovery, personal growth, and authentic living. Our experienced coaches provide guidance and facilitate discussions to ensure that all participants feel comfortable and empowered to participate fully in the program. Whether you’re new to group coaching or therapy or have previous experience, Elevate offers a transformative experience tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.

Each Elevate session spans six weeks. Each week, two group coaching calls will be held on  Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm MT. For those who cannot attend, the meetings will be recorded and sent. Prior to the program, participants will have an initial 30 minute individual session with either Natasha or Tonya. Upon acceptance into the program and completion of the intake questionnaire, participants will receive an email containing a link with your coaches availability to schedule this meeting.

Join Elevate today!

tonya and natasha

Who would you like to book with?

Select your guide: Tonya, an expert in emotional healing, or Natasha, a specialist in relationships. Begin your journey to a more fulfilling life.